10 Fundamental Laws of Op Risk (GRIMWADE) – IOR_20_11_19_Final
Sue Bruce, , Publications, 0
Promoting and Developing the Discipline of Operational Risk Management
Written by two IOR members. For more information: ITIL and Corporate Risk Alignment
People Risk Management provides unique depth to a topic that has garnered intense interest in recent years. Based on...
A Banker’s Guide to create a Process Based Operating Model and an insight into methods that would reduce transaction...
The United Nation’s Vienna & Palermo resolutions, the UN’s convention against corruption, the UN’s Protocol against the illicit Manufacturing...
Chapter 2 from this book entitled – The Advanced Measurement Approach – Finishing It, was written by a member...
These guides are part of a series of updated Sound Practice Guidance (SPG’s) documents for risk managers, designed to...
Including contribution from an Institute member For more information and to read inside click here
The latest newsletter is now available to download. Highlights include: Status update on the IOR Education Programme; News of...
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