A key pillar of any professional body is the ability to provide members, and the discipline of operational risk more widely, with high quality educational resources, allowing those interested in the discipline of operational risk to stay abreast of industry developments and good practice tools and techniques.
The Institute’s approach to learning and development covers a number of strands: formal qualification, access to good practice documents written by experienced practitioners, access to conversations and events which develop understanding and the provision of interesting publications and news.
- CORM: Certificate in Operational Risk Management. The Institute is delighted to launch its CORM qualification. This externally accredited RQF Level 4/EQF Level 5 course is a self-study workbook supplemented with workplace reflection and learning activities, providing candidates with a foundation in operational risk management. For further information, click here
- Operational Risk Masterclass: The Institute of Operational Risk and the Institute of Risk Management is delighted to launch its Operational Risk Masterclass. Taught by internationally respected and experienced practitioners, this interactive Masterclass teaches participants how to create a bespoke structured organisational improvement plan. To learn more, click here.
- SPGs: Sound Practice Guidance papers: The Institute has developed guidance papers on a variety of key topics. The papers have been written by industry practitioners and contain good practice in operational risk management. Only available to members of the Institute they are our most frequently accessed resource. To find out more, click here.
- Publications: This page lists many useful educational resources; we are proud that many of the books have been authored by the members of the Institute. The IOR newsletter with latest news & views is also accessible by clicking here.
- Local Chapter Events: Our Local Chapters organise events, seminars and round table discussions, on a variety of pertinent topics. Local Chapter events promote latest thinking, allow for exchange of opinions and encourage debate, as well as provide networking opportunities. Attendance at events is free for members and presentations from the events are accessible by members. We make a small charge for non members attending events, refundable upon joining the Institute. For Local Chapter events happening near you, please click here.