The Institute of Operational Risk have successfully negotiated one free pass to New Generation Operational Risk 2016. To enter...
Read the latest news from the Institute
All Day IOR Scottish Chapter 5th Annual Conference Slides Now Available
Zaq Mughal, , IOR News, Scottish Chapter, 0Thank you for attending the IOR Scottish Chapter 5th Annual All Day Conference and please find attached the slides...
Slides from the AGM 2015 event in London are now available to download.
CFP approved slides now available for the New Generation Operational Risk | Regulation, Data, KRIs & Cyber Congress event
Zaq Mughal, , IOR News, 0CFP’s New Generation Operational Risk series started earlier this year in London and following its success the Congress went and...
The latest newsletter from the Institute of Operational Risk is now available to download. Highlights include: A status update...
The Value in Operational Risk Management (England and Wales) Slides Now Available
Zaq Mughal, , IOR News, 0Slides from the member event on 20 October 2015 may now be dowloaded by members here:
Slides from the member event on 05 June 2015 may now be dowloaded by members here:
Slides from the member event on 25 September 2015 may now be dowloaded by members here: