Mini Meetings

In response to suggestions made at previous IOR seminars and subsequent follow up discussions I would like to propose the concept of IOR “mini meetings“.

The idea of a “mini meeting” event is a small gathering of members at a host member’s premises to discuss a topical risk related subject and to publish the results of the meeting back to the members. I suggest the number of members at a “mini meeting” event should be no more than 8-10 and no less than 4, meetings should last approximately 2 hours and may be held as a breakfast, lunch or evening event. I would expect we could “advertise” ~6 “mini-meeting” events a year.

Stage 1: Suggestions for “mini meeting” topics should be submitted to the current IOR Events Organiser John Chapman ( for discussion by the Council and Executive Committee.

Stage 2: The chosen topics will be put out “tender” for hosting on a first come first served basis (with one reserve host*). All “mini meeting” events will be free of charge to all members

Once the successful member has been notified about which subject they have “won” they will be expected to fully own the process going forward. The IOR Administration Team (AVA Client Services) will initially “advertise” the “mini meeting” event to all the members.

The host will receive all responses directly, they will manage the ongoing administration, and will be responsible for all the event logistics: The host will have the final decision on which members are invited to the event.

I would like to suggest that when choosing who should be invited to attend a “mini meeting” event the host should consider a mix of members, those with experience of a subject and members who want to learn something new.

Stage 3 After the event the host will correlate the findings of the meeting such as, proposed best practices, unique challenges and opportunities for improvements and return them to the IOR Events Organiser to arrange publication on the Members Only area of the IOR website. The meeting will be held under the Chatham House Rule and the invited members will not be identified.

*(If the original “winner” is unable to continue the reserve host will be contacted by the IOR Events Organiser)


Once again, I will be very grateful to receive any ideas you may have for “mini meeting” events.

Please send them to me at

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