Slides from the member event on 25 September 2015 may now be dowloaded by members here:
Setting Group Operational Risk Appetite (112 downloads ) Scottish ORM Institute (40 downloads )
Zaq Mughal, , IOR News, 0
Slides from the member event on 25 September 2015 may now be dowloaded by members here:
Setting Group Operational Risk Appetite (112 downloads ) Scottish ORM Institute (40 downloads )Details of the June 29th event ‘Scottish Chapter Breakfast Event – EDINBURGH‘ now available here.
Regulatory Talk : SSM is not a “big bang” of banking supervision By Anja Kraus COLOGNE, 05.16.2014 . If the...
There is no ideal risk culture. By Stefan Hirschmann COLOGNE, 16.05.2104. The buzzword of the hour is: risk culture....
Following certification of courses at the university of East London, the IOR is now pleased to announce certification of...
The Institute of Operational Risk has published a Key Risk Indicators Sound Practice Guidance paper to address the lack...
IORM Integrated Operational Risk Management The abbreviation IORM is not a new product of one of the largest...
Slides for ‘What Makes A Successful Risk Leader’ are now available to download. What makes a successful risk leader?
The latest newsletter from the Institute of Operational Risk is now available to download. Highlights include: · A message...
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