The latest newsletter from the Institute of Operational Risk is now available to download. Highlights include:
- Announcement of our latest corporate member
- Notification of a special event promoting our Sound Practice Guidance work
- A summary of the Special General Meeting on 4th June
- 10th Anniversary Awards Dinner – details of the winners of our special awards and photos from the evening
- A special article by Cameron Kennedy on the human factors within Operational Risk
- The relevance on the FCA’s risk outlook for operational risk in Investment Banks
- A mis-marking case study
- A special article on how firms can encourage the right behaviour from their staff
- News updates from our Chapters around the world
and much, much more! If you have any comments or feedback about the newsletter, please feel free to contact the Editorial team. As always, we hope you enjoy reading the latest issue.
IOR Newsletter - Oct 2014 (3463 downloads )