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Date(s) - Wednesday, May 22, 2019
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Willis Towers Watson


The 15th Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Operational Risk will be held on the 22ndMay 2019 at the offices of Willis Towers Watson (WTW), 51 Lime Street, London, EC3M 7DQ. Commencing at 18.00, drinks and canapés will be available post the AGM.

Please note that places are limited to 50 persons and those wishing to attend must pre register, via email. Places are allocated on a first come basis. The AGM will start promptly at 18.00 so in order to pass through building security those attending should aim to arrive no later than 17.45.

Documents available for download are linked below:

Agenda 15th Annual General Meeting May 2019

AGM Minutes 21112018

IOR Annual Accounts 2018/19

IOR Resolution 4

IOR Proxy Form May 2019

AGM Presentation 2019 Final

15th AGM IOR 22 May 2019

If you are either unable to attend or plan to attend but wish to cast your vote via proxy, please complete and return your proxy form by noon, 20thMay 2019. Completed proxy forms should be sent either in electronic format to info@ior-institute.org or by post to The Institute of Operational Risk, Pelmark House 11 Amwell End, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 9HP, UK.

As is the Institute’s tradition, the Chairperson of Council will address the Membership and provide an update on the strategy, activities and operations of the Institute at the AGM. A copy of the Chairperson’s address will be posted on the Institute’s website post the AGM.

This is an important time for our Institute and would urge you to either attend the AGM or cast your proxy vote so that your voice is heard.

On behalf of the Council of the Institute of Operational Risk.

George Clark – Chairman of Council
Institute of Operational Risk

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