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Date(s) - Wednesday, March 19, 2014
8:15 am - 10:00 am

Tempest House


The Institute of Operational Risk is delighted to invite its members to a breakfast session on Wednesday, March 19th from 8:15 to 10:00, generously sponsored and run by Chase Cooper Ltd, dedicated to the topic of ‘Operational Risk Appetite’.

Many of you will know the speaker and session facilitator, Professor Tony Blunden, the Head of Consulting for Chase Cooper, bringing over 30 years experience in the financial services industry and having co-authored “Mastering Operational Risk” published by Financial Times. Tony is a well-known author and speaker on risk management across the world, he lectures at a leading business school where he is also an Honorary Professor.

You may agree that developing an appropriate framework and statement for operational risk that is fit for purpose as well as used by the business is a task that is challenging and still immature. We will have a presentation followed by the group discussion on the challenges faced by the operational risk practitioners while establishing the Operational Risk Appetite; ownership and accountability – whose appetite is it?; expressing the appetite – qualitative, quantitative?; monitoring exposure against the appetite; as well as address any other questions raised by participants.

The event is free to IOR members. There will be a £50 charge to non-members.

Location: Chase Cooper Ltd, Tempest House, 9 Hewett Street, London EC2A 3NN, click here for map
Date:  Wednesday 19th March 2014
Time:  8:15 for 8:35 start – 10:00

It is anticipated that this will be a popular session and there are a limited number of spaces therefore you are encouraged to register as soon as possible.

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We look forward to welcoming you on March 19th!

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