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Date(s) - Friday, March 4, 2016
8:30 am - 10:00 am

Deloitte LLP


Topic: Senior Managers Regime
Speakers: Dominic Graham and Stephen Boyd, Deloitte

IOR Scottish Chapter is pleased to announce details of the above event which has been arranged specifically to coincide with the Senior Managers Regime coming into force on Monday 7th March.

Deloitte will set the scene with some of their thoughts with focus on risk managers and what they need to be aware of. Delegates will be encouraged to provide their point of view to enable a round table discussion.

Dominic Graham of Deloitte will lead the presentation and discussion.

This event is open to both IOR members and non-members. Non-members are required to pay a £25 administration charge. As always, places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis

If you would like to attend please register with Christoph Woell – cwoell@ior-institute.org

Registered participants will receive full venue directions in due course.

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