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Date(s) - Tuesday, April 28, 2015
6:00 pm - 8:45 pm

The Royal College of Physicians


Speakers:  Karen Williams, Managing Director, SpectraInsight , Christophe Langlois, Founder Visible

This event is run by FS Club Scotland and is the fourth in a series of events we plan to run or participate in with various partners.

What does Twitter mean for Banks?

Social Media in general has changed the landscape for aspects of media and crisis management – when IT systems go down everyone on Twitter knows about it as fast as the organisation.  This is a great opportunity chance to hear more from real experts and others in the audience as well as posing your own questions on the threats and risk mitigation options.

Karen Williams leads the team at Spectrum, and has learnt to think differently about how brands behave in the age of online and consumer-generated social media. With a marketing career that began long before the term ‘online buzz’ was coined, Karen has worked in-house at marketing director level, led strategy for online and offline programmes around the world and, as a result, appreciates only too well the pressure both to understand brand performance and optimise marketing budgets.

Christophe Langlois is a team leader, a published author and a social media practitioner. Since he launched VisibleBanking.com back in February 2007, Christophe established himself as one of the most trusted advisors to the worldwide financial services industry on the topics of social media, digital innovation and voice of the customer (both strategy and execution). Christophe is a regularly requested chairperson and keynote speaker at conferences. In the last seven years, he has contributed to over 140 events in 18 countries.

The programme for this event is:

  • 6.00 pm Registration and Reception
  • 6.30 pm Speaker and Questions and Answers
  • 7.45 pm Networking, Drinks and Canapés
  • 8.45 pm approx Close

If you would like to attend please apply to Brian Rowlands – browlands@ior-institute.org

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